The ugliness of not admitting defeat even though they took my head, chopped me up and crushed me. Living in disgrace. Have I lived hundreds of years for this? Was…
The ugliness of not admitting defeat even though they took my head, chopped me up and crushed me. Living in disgrace. Have I lived hundreds of years for this? Was…
“Do I look like someone with any talent? […] See, this country is vast. It’s teeming with people who’d blow your mind. Some are complete enigmas. Some can take up…
There are many choices for Luffy, but there are 2 best choices which are Nami and Boa Hancock. Nami is with him all the time but Hancock is not and…
Dracule Mihawk is one of the greatest pirates in the world, strong, works alone, and trusts himself we can’t finish talking about him, so you may wonder about Dracule Mihawk’s…
This video gives you a clear and brief answer about How did Kakashi get the Mangekyou Sharingan? Hatake Kakashi doesn’t belong to the Uchiha family and has no relation with…